Monday, July 4, 2011

Basic Coins Quilt

This quilt is made with Moda's BasicGrey Basics jelly roll and some red fabrics from my LQS. 

I was disappointed in the colors and let it sit for a couple of weeks before I was convinced to finish it.  Now, I'm glad I did.  I used dark brown fleece for the backing, sans batting.  It makes a great throw to carry in the car.  It recently went on a road trip with me to Fort Worth and back :)

Limey Black Irish quilt

I had so much fun creating Tessa's baby quilt that I took a quilting class at my LQS.  The class was called "Jelly Roll Quilt."  Turns out to be an irish chain pattern.  I was determined not to make any "old-fashioned" quilts.  I bought a black and white jelly roll and choose a charcoal tone-on-tone leaf as my background.  During class, my instructor suggested using a red for a pop of color.  I picked a swirly lime green instead. There are 9 green 2 1/2" blocks randomly pieced into this quilt.   I used the green as binding and had intended to use it a backing too, but made a rookie mistake when cutting it out.  I improvised (my favorite part of screwing up!) by using a couple of yards of music fabric I'd picked up at my LQS just because I liked it! 

I machine-quilted it in straight lines, following the points of all blocks.  I used invisible thread on the top and gray on the back.

I made it big enuogh for a twin bed because I thought I'd send it to college with my daughter in the fall.  Her favorite color is orange, though, so I have built an incredible stash of orange fabrics with her in mind.  Stay tuned for her orange quilt!  She's headed to college in 6 weeks, so I have a deadline!

My first quilt

My lifelong friend, Jane, had her first grandchild in February.  I made this quilt for baby Tessa.  I hadn't seen the baby's room when I designed the applique.  I based it on this webpage.  It's made of soft flannels from my local quilt shop (LQS).  The dark brown fabric is fleece.  I used the brown fleece for the backing too, and didn't use any batting.   I used HeatnBond Lite iron-on adhesive before I made my appliques.  I cut the letters out using my Cricut. 

I used my Big Shot and some Sizzix dies to cut the bird and flowers. The tree branch is freehand.  I used a fancy stitch on my Husqavarna Emerald 118 to quilt "in the ditch" -- I didn't realize it was called that at the time :) -- and a zigzag around the appliques. 

It is the first quilt I've made since my kids were babies -- they are now 18 and 15.  So, this is actually my 3rd quilt ever.

My first post!

Shawna at 1 Choice 4 Quilting convinced me to start my own blog!  So here it is.  My first post!  I'll be adding photos of my quilts soon